Research talk: Local factor models for large-scale inductive recommendation

Speaker: Tobias Schnabel, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research Redmond In many domains, user preferences are similar locally within like-minded subgroups of users, but typically differ globally between those subgroups. Local recommendation models were shown to substantially improve top-k recommendation performance in such settings. However, existing local models do not scale to large-scale datasets with an increasing number of subgroups and do not support inductive recommendations for users not appearing in the training set. Key reasons for this are that subgroup detection and recommendation get implemented as separate steps in the model or that local models are explicitly instantiated for each subgroup. In this talk, we discuss an End-to-end Local Factor Model (ELFM) which overcomes these limitations by combining both steps and incorporating local structures through an inductive bias. Our model can be optimized end-to-end and supports incremental inference, does not require a full separate model for
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