This voicemail could be heard by calling the top number that was shown in the banner found on LPCatalog ().
The voicemail says: ““Don’t Stay” started off as almost a Spanish or Reggae style sound with a guitar. The first time I heard it, I almost thought it sounded like some kind of lappy dancing thing. And it was funny, because it didn’t sound that way.”
The voicemail could only be heard on February 1st, 2023. After that, the voicemail could be heard no more. Thankfully, some of the members at LPLive recorded these voicemails and shared them with the LPLive community.
I don’t own rights to the original audio.
This voicemail was recorded by AJ93 from LPLive.
All original audio rights go to AJ93 from LPLive, LPCatalog, and WMG.
2 years ago 00:00:15 14
Meteora|20 Voicemail #13 - Nobody’s Listening Info