Historical hair myths debunked : How often should you wash your hair— daily shampoo or no shampoo?
How often should you wash your hair? Capitalism says daily shampoo, but hair history says no! Let’s bust some historical hair myths, with help from my new Marlow pillows! Get 25% off 2 Marlow pillows or 40% off 4 pillows with my link here: This video is kindly sponsored by Marlow.
History is full of hair myths, and as a former hairstylist, I love using my old professional skills for busting hair myths in the name of fashion history. Historical hair care involved a lot less washing than today : Medieval hair care relied much more on brushing and braiding, because medieval hair washing soap could be nasty stuff! So how did we get from middle ages haircare to washing hair daily with shampoo? Spoiler alert : It’s marketing.
Historical hair techniques evolved quite a bit over the last couple centuries, and so has shampoo history! The word shampoo wasn’t part of the English language until 1814. But it wasn’t a special product, it was still just soap! The stuff we know as shampoo wasn’t invented until the 1930s, when washing weekly was a relatively new practice. Washing hair daily didn’t become idealized until the 1960s and 70s, when a growing variety in fashionable hairstyles meant there was no “right“ answer to how often you should wash your hair. So, product companies began advertising shampoo you could use every day, and coming up with ways to make you feel like your hair was dirty if you didn’t.
Does washing hair daily damage it? With shampoo from the 1970s, probably, although there’s no one right answer that works for everyone’s hair type. Hair myths and facts are everwhere, including in history, and as a trained hairdresser, I think it’s much more important to figure out what works just for you. Maybe that’s washing hair daily, maybe that’s a middle ages no shampoo routine, or anywhere in between! But don’t disregard the lengths advertising will go to if it can sell you more of something, as the historical myths and facts show.
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Chapters :
0:00 Medieval woman thinks you wash too often
0:28 My LEAST favorite hair care myth
1:18 The history of shampoo
2:31 Comfy pillows = good hair days!
3:44 Shampoo used to be just soap
5:41 The 1920s changed EVERYTHING.
6:33 The invention of modern shampoo
7:29 The 1960s changed EVERYTHING again.
10:03 Hair product companies took advantage
11:59 Don’t trust beauty product marketing.
13:18 Next time, we’re doing insults and Viking hair!
Photo of Gunilla Pontén by Lars Nordin/Nordin Nilson, Nordiska museet, lisenced CC BY 4.0,
Photo of a minidress designed by John Bates for Jean Varon in 1965, taken by Dani Lurle, lisenced CC BY 2.0,
Photo of Jean Shrimpton by Joost Evers / Anefo, lisenced CC BY-SA 3.0 NL,
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