Sonicware Lofi-12 XT Full Tutorial - Portable Sampler Groovebox
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More information about the Lofi-12 XT:
Full Disclosure: I occasionally take on freelance work at Sonicware on an hourly rate producing synth & sample sound design, beta testing, checking English text and videos like this.
Work in progress accessibility guide:
A few bits i missed:
1. You can now rename a sample after recording by switching on Rename below the screen
2. You can also start\stop sampling by pressing a track pad hard to start and releasing to stop (Auto Rec needs to be off)
3. Mutes can also be used on different slices in Slice mode
4. Mutes also have a global function activated by holding OK and selecting mutes, these are preserved during pattern changes
5. When adding files to the SD card after manually converting them to 12/24khz, make sure you update the tag search pool or they won’t appear in the tag list
6. Using Convert will preserve the file structure of the samples being converted
7. To keep chaining & song playback smooth, use the same sample in any overlapping tracks between patterns
0:00 teaser
0:16 overview, connections
2:17 basics: Powering up, play pattern, volume, speaker mute, func button, select tracks, parameter tabs, auxiliary screen buttons, step buttons, A-D knobs, value knob, mic volume, D-pad, pad velocity
6:54 memory structure
7:25 project menu, loading patterns, queueing patterns, pattern page bar, load another project,
9:34 mute, mix, level, pan, sends, pattern reload, tempo reload
11:46 sequencer modes, stutter, random, dice
13:30 new pattern, selecting a kick drum sound, entering notes, clearing steps, editing note velocity
15:15 loading a snare, entering rolls, loading hi-hats, track choke groups
16:28 tempo menu, metronome, pre-count,
16:52 real-time recording, micro-timing,
17:27 quantize, swing, edit or tap tempo
18:17 save pattern, save a project, rename project
18:48 sampling, sampling inputs, sampling options, sampling to a track
20:04 trimming a sample, sample start and length, zooming in on sample
20:47 track length, page select buttons
21:44 effects sends, delay send, adjusting send effects
23:50 sample slots, sample slot menu
24:27 save project, new project,
25:01 sample tag search, editing tags, tag categories and favourites, refresh tags, editing sample slot, browse samples, tag search within folder
27:59 importing samples, converting samples
29:32 kit format, manually slicing samples, auto slicing samples
31:27 changing per slice settings, saving slices
32:17 pad mode in slice voice mode, selecting parameters and tracks in pad mode
33:14 duplicate track contents, page buttons in pad mode
33:51 pad mode step recording
34:17 pad mode in poly voice mode, shifting keyboard, changing scale and root
35:30 velocity sensitivity, arpeggiator
36:27 real-time keyboard part,
36:42 amp envelope, ASR and AR modes, amp envelope on/off
37:59 note length, pad mode step recording, recording long notes,
39:00 copy and paste track, clearing clipboard, detuning and panning tracks, copy and pasting steps
40:22 organise and clear tracks,
40:47 using midi keyboard, per track channels, auto channel
41:48 mono voice mode, glide, legato mode,
42:54 adding and adjusting filter, filter envelope, ASR and AR envelopes, envelope delay, envelope invert, filter types
44:14 external midi recording
44:33 12 bit mode
44:49 mod tab LFOs, basic LFO settings, LFO detail settings, adding vibrato
47:03 sample looping, mod LFO to sample start effects, sample targets
48:29 pitching drum breaks
49:27 adding per track EFX,
51:32 d-pad rolls, recording rolls in real-time,
52:30 parameter locking, real-time recording automation, manually entering automation, viewing parameter locks, editing and clearing automation
54:18 pitch sweep envelope
55:00 step data menu, editing per step data, deleting notes, pressure vs rolls, polyphonic step data
56:12 master effects, master filter, master compressor, side chain settings, pattern level
58:16 naming a pattern, duplicate pattern, making sections for song mode
59:17 song mode, editing a song, building a song, playing a song, pattern menu in song mode
1:01:05 global switches,
1:01:41 mix tape feature, monitoring cassette type, enabling recording
1:02:29 external audio settings
1:03:31 updating the firmware, checking the version number
1:04:13 misc. settings, system menu
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