Too beautiful rose garden! A faithful reproduction of the Bagatelle Park in Paris!

Kawazu Bagatelle Park is the sister garden of Bagatelle Park in Paris. Bagatelle Park in Paris hosts the Bagatelle International Competition of New Varieties of Roses, considered one of the most prestigious competitions in the world, every June. I saw the original Rose Garden on YouTube, and it looks just like Kawazu Bagatelle Park. In Kawazu, where the Kawazu cherry blossoms are grown, you can taste a taste of the real Bagatelle Park in Paris, France. 00:00 Opening 00:58 Gate Pavilion - Place de France 04:47 Pond with water lilies associated with Monet 06:05 Roses in the portrait of Marie An...toinette 06:32 Orangerie 07:11 Rose Garden 10:08 Two types of roses: standard type and bush type 15:53 View from the hill with the kiosk 20:04 Tunnel of roses 21:17 “Izu dancer” roses donated by the City of Paris 27:14 Place de France 28:04 Kawazu Station Official website Google Map  Kawazu Bagatelle Park
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