Equestria at War Super Events Submod: The Fate of Barrad (+Bonus)
These events were not included in my previous video due to them being added only recently. I wanted to make this video early, but several things got in the way.
Link to other EaW events video:
0:00-Fall of the Pentarchy (The Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2 Soundtrack)
0:29-Return of the Count (Dragon Age: Inquisition | The Descent Soundtrack - Aftermath)
1:10-Asinti’s Rise (Voice Of Chaos by Deadly Avenger (Riptide Music))
1:53-Silver Star’s Immortality (Dark Piano - Liar | Church Organ Version)
2:24-Leopold’s Ascendance (Jo Blankenburg - Tick Tock Goes The Clock)
2:50-Viira, the Herald (Secession Studio - Greg Dombrowski - The Dark Age)
3:25-Viira, the Goddess (Horror Trailer Music - The Devil)
3:56-The Truly Goddess of Griffonia (Mehrunes Dagon’s Deadlands | Ambience Music | Oblivion Realms Secession Studio - Greg Dombrowski - Dancing with Flames)
4:29-Equestrian Unification (Our Town) (Our Homeland is the Revolution)
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