octanerender running on a RenderStream VDACTr8 with 8 GTX 580 GPUs

octanerender demonstration running on a RenderStream VDACTr8 with 8 GTX 580 GPUs. In this video we demonstrate the rapid visual feedback one can expect when using an 8 GPU system in a detailed interior scene. We also show how well octanerender perfroms when scaling from 1-8 GPUs. RenderStream VDAC (Visualization and Data Analysis Cluster) solutions are ideal for anyone wanting to take advantage of GPU accelerated renderers like octane. Our VDAC solutions can be equipped with anywhere from 2-8 GPUs and we can find a way to accomodate most needs and budgets. For more information or to request a quote, please visit or write to info@ or call 512-850-4098.
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