Nikon CineMod Lens Demo

More info at These are clips from projects I shot with Nikon AI-S and ED still photo lenses that went through the DUCLOS LENSES CineMod process. I included the lens model, f-stop and camera each shot was captured with. LENSES FEATURED Nikon 24mm f 2.0 AI-S CineMod by Duclos Lenses Nikon 35mm f 1.4 AI-S CineMod by Duclos Lenses Nikon 50mm f 1.2 AI-S CineMod by Duclos Lenses Nikon 85mm f 1.4 AI-S CineMod by Duclos Lenses Nikon 105mm f 1.8 AI-S CineMod by Duclos Lenses Nikon 135mm f 2 AI-S
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