Hello and welcome to source Mogul -
This video is designed to help you get the most from the Amazon Arbitrage software.
There are two main ways to use SourceMogul to find products to sell. Many Amazon traders like to specialize in a certain category. Maybe you want to trade in Toys & Games… this search type looks across all of the results we’ve analysed. SourceMogul then grabs the latest Amazon pricing. Simply select the category you’re interested in and press the Start Search button. You’ll find filters on profit, ROI and sales rank once the search has completed.
You can also use the Search Page to for an individual retailer. Remember, SourceMogul deep dives the entire supplier website for you, rather than sections of it.
You can add sales rank and profitability filters after the search has run.
You’ll notice a lightning icon by some of them. This icon means that we’ve previously collected pricing information. Source Mogul then coll