【4K 東方】IOSYS Touhou PV - Border of Death [English subs]
Movie was uploaded with the creator’s permission.
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I’ve previously re-uploaded this video in HD before by just capturing the screen with OBS:
To get the movie in exact 4K, I basically had to disable some effects in the Flash then reconstruct the effects in video editing. Apart from some possible sub-pixel rounding errors from rendering, it is a perfect recreation of the original Flash in 4K. See more details down below.
‣ Alternate title: Bewildering Impending Spiriting Away ~ Border of Death
‣ Original title: 惑いて来たれ、遊惰な神隠し ~ Border of Death
‣ Album: 東方乙女囃子 (Touhou Maidens’ Orchestra)
‣ Album release date: 2006-08-13 (Comiket 70)
‣ Circle: IOS
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【4K 東方】IOSYS Touhou PV - Border of Death [English subs]
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