Хатинка Пекаря - выпечка бесплатного хлеба в Буче для пострадавших от войны

Today we went to Bucha to see how free bread for victims of russian aggression is baked here in the Baker’s Hut using ancient technologies. Also, together with volunteers of the Helping Hand UA Foundation Chernichenko Igor and Kolesnikov Alexander, we visited the village of Moshchun, which was almost completely destroyed by the russian occupiers. Baker’s Hut is a project of a small craft bakery built by Yaroslav Burkivsky in the suburbs of Bucha. Here, sourdough bread and other pastries are baked in a wood-burning oven. Now, during the war with russia, bread is baked here absolutely free of charge for the needs of people affected by russian aggression. Those who have the opportunity leave voluntary donations to support the work of the bakery. Address:
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