Lyudmila Sosina plays Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto no. 1 – live 1958
Lyudmila Sosina playing Rachmaninoff’s PC 1, op. 1, with the MPO under Evgeny Svetlanov, live on 12 May 1958. Born in Odessa, Ludmila Sosina (12 December 1918 - 1 April 2015) studied with Berta Reingbald and Alexander Goldenweiser. She became the latter’s assistant and taught at the Moscow Conservatory through 1968.
The 3 photos show her 1) sitting between Goldenweiser and Roizman, 2) a 2005 portrait by Е.А.Тавьева, and 3) standing top right with the students of Alexander Goldenweiser on his 80th birthday.
This recording is also available on a CD released by the Moscow Conservatory. On YT you can see videos of her playing earlier this decade in the Goldenweiser Museum, and on the Gilels website you can read her memoirs of their shared youth.
Людмила Сосина - Рахманинов - Евгений Светланов
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