SMX-31, France’s future submarine
The SMX-31 is a future submarine concept from the land of the Baguette. This concept is unique in that it introduces new fundamentals in future underwater warfare.
In this article, we will discuss a little about the SMX-31 and its features.
SMX-31, Looking to the future
That before the future of the French submarine, developments for the underwater battle zone were relatively “dynamic“. Starting from the post-second world war where the U-boat Type 21 became the trend-setter for submarine designs in the world, then AGSS Albacore which pioneered the return of the Tear drop form for submarines.
Another pioneer was the USS Nautilus with its nuclear propulsion and then the USS Skipjack. But for diesel-electric submarines we know the U-Boat Type-17 with a Walter engine that allows it to operate in water without oxygen.
France itself is one of the developing countries for diesel-electric submarines that have been around the world.
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