Ramsy Hunt syndrome,Migraine Headache,Alzheimer `s disease,Facial palsy,
Ramsy Hunt syndrome (post-herpetic neuralgia)
Trigeminal Herpes Zoster, therefore, diagnosis directed toward presence of facial scar pervious
treatment including carbamazepin Anticonvulsants (Gabapentin). Acyclovir
Nerve root resection.
trigeminal nerve, constant and described as , . destructive interventions trigeminal neuralgia.
Neuropathic secondary to Facial palsy.
affecting peripheral branches
Paget’s disease
Post-traumatic fibrosis
Post-infection fibrosis
Usually accompanied by other deficits.
Classic Migraine Headache:-
Migraine intermittent paroxysmal headache with pre- headache phase aura intervals vascular endogenous vasoactive mediators
Serotonin, Bradykinin vasoconstriction reflex vasodilatation
Vascular theory
Cerebral vasoconstriction reactive vasodilatation throbbing migraine ergots
Neuronal theory.
The picture include:-
Pre-headache phase.
ve family history.
Focal cerebral signs:
Visual Aura, which is visual disturbance due to ophthalmic art