Covid-19 Government fear based manipulation publicly denounced

On April 22, 2020, before the Austrian government, former Minister of the Interior Herbert Kickl openly denounces the fear-based manipulation built on catastrophic forecasts, helped by the media, to establish a strict confinement, presented as the only possibility for avoiding a Coronavirus mass death. However Sweden, judged irresponsible for not having applied lockdown, had neither mass death, nor destruction of its economy, nor freedom restriction of its citizens. Despite this, the discourse of fear continues and we do not talk about these alternatives, why? Le 22 Avril 2020 devant le gouvernement Autrichien, l’ancien ministre de l’intérieur Herbert Kickl dénonce ouvertement la manipulation par la peur construite sur des prévisions catastrophiques et à l’aide des médias pour instaurer un confinement strict, présenté comme la seule possibilité pour éviter une hécatombe due au Coronavirus. Pourtant la Suède, jugée irresponsable pou
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