[Aftertale Remix] Stormheart - ILOVEYOU (Fatal Error Code Red Remix)
Fatal do be feeling quite romantical tho 👀
Hey y’all! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving we’re almost through another year. As commemoration I wanted to remix one of my most popular original tracks “Code Red!“ I had a ton of fun writing this and got in done in record time (just under 4 hours)
For anyone curious, the tracks named after the “ILOVEYOU“ virus lmao.
[Personal Stuff:]
In Personal News™ I’ve been having quite the rough go of it recently. This year has, by a country mile, brought the greatest struggles I’ve ever faced. I’ve been doing all I can to stay consistent in regards to uploading tracks while also keeping my head above water. Luckily I can take a small break from worrying about the channel since I have 2 completed tracks ready to go (1 for Error and 1 for Horror). I just have to edit the videos for both and space out the uploads since I want to give myself as much time as possible to become stable enough to write more new music. So keep an eye out for when those drop! :3
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[Aftertale Remix] Stormheart - ILOVEYOU (Fatal Error Code Red Remix)
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