Mood Boost Cardio Dance Workout (FUN!)

Its time to dance, groove and shake it to some of my fav uplifting songs in collaboration with Moana Bikini and their Nickelodeon Collection! Make sure to follow @Moana_bikini on Instagram and tag a bestie (or two) on the post of me to be entered to win one of two $500 gift cards! Winners will be announced June 9th on their stories, so get to tagging! Get 20% off these super cute bathing suits using code: GROWWITHJO when you shop on The goal of this workout is to let loose and feel free, to give it your own personality and enjoy movement again! Feel liberated as you make up your own moves or feel powerful following along with me. Getting your heart rate up and your body moving doesn’t have to be something you dread; it can become your favorite part of your day where you can take care of your body and mind, doing something for yourself. Sis, I know this dance party is going to get you feeling all types of happy and confident! If yo
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