Leona Crasi, piano
Performed at the Lucerne Piano Festival 2018, St. Charles Hall, Meggen
00:00 Unottan - Bored
01:00 Totyogos - Toddling
01:58 Abbamarados - Stop and Go
02:55 Nema tenyerek - Silent palms
03:31 Potyogtetos - Dot-strumming
03:49 Ringato - Rocking
04:35 Arckep - Portrait
05:22 Keringo - Waltz
05:46 Butaskodjung egyutt - Let’s be silly
06:01 Tenyeres (1) - Palm stroke (1)
06:21 Tenyeres (2) - Palm stroke (2)
06:46 Felhangjayek - Playing with Overtones
07:34 Szomoru felhangok - Melancholic overtonic
08:28 Hommage a Tchaikovsky
09:07 Hommage a Bartok
09:32 Hommage a Bach
...09:45 Veres - Beating
10:37 A nyszi es a roka - The Bunny and the Fox
11:26 Veszekedes - Quarelling
11:50 Jatek a vegtelennel - Play with Infinity
13:10 Orokmozgo (Talalt targy) - Perpetum mobile (object trouve)Show more