Fancy Fencing - Vogue by Nathalie Moellhausen

Nathalie Moellhausen - A Fencer woman: Nathalie Moellhausen is a multifaceted woman: passionate, determined, and enriched by different cultures. Born in Milan, from a German father and Brazilian mother, this gifted her the ability to speak five languages. As the fencing World Champion in 2009 with the Italian team and in 2019 Individual World Champion for Brazil, she reigns in the top 10 World ranking for over a decade. With three Olympic Games under her belt, London 2012, Rio 2016, Tokyo 2021, Nathalie is an athlete, performer, art director, and owner of her event company 5Touches. Nathalie manages her career in an atypical way. But her overall mission is distinguished by her philanthropic commitment in developing fencing through artistic and social projects that widen the vision of her sport turning it into a unique human experience. #afencerwoman #theartistictouch #fencingisglamour #fencingandfashion #fencingandart #fencinganddancing #fencingforvogue #bymyside #fancyfencing Credits : Directed By Ho
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