Norwegian traitors (quislings) during World War II are brought to trial in Trondheim Norway (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Former Gestapo Agent Henry Rinnan and members of the Rinnan band are brought to trial by court of Frostating Norway Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Norway Brings Her Quislings To Justice NORWAY: Trondheim: INT/EXT QUISLINGS (TRAITORS) Shots of Nowegian Quislings on rial in Trondhiem town hall, also shots of the ringleader Henry Oliver Rinnan WWII, Second World War, trials, traitor, collaborator, Axis, Allies, Rinnanbanden, Karl Dolmen, Arild Hijulstad-Ostby, Ivar Grande, Kitty Grande, Sonderabteilung Lola Background: Former Gestapo Agent Henry Rinnan and members of the Rinnan band are brought to trial by court of Frostating Norway FILM ID: VLVA99KTU1ZLK5YZNE7ZXIWRGGXNU To license this film, visit
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