Dresden Blue - Double Staff Practice Log - Girl Anachronism

I’ve been feeling a little like a hot mess of a human recently; lots of old trauma kicking up old triggers recently, on top of external stressors I have no control over. “Girl Anachronism“ by Dresden Dolls was an anthem of sorts of mine in my teens, a song that gave me some vague sense that maybe I wasn’t alone in not being entirely alright this century, and it came to mind on a difficult night for me. I let go a lot of the technical precision with double staff tech that I have been carefully nourishing on my mirrored dance floor in order to really throw myself into this fast paced, emotive song - finding the places to geek out out on toroidal tech in the choruses came secondary to places to mouth the chorus at my imaginary spectators. Despite this, though, on viewing this afterwards - while filming I really sublimated myself into feeling the music - I was surprised at how technical a lot of the double staff work ended up being despite being well and truly not conscious or intentional about it. You practice enough and any framework becomes second nature, I suppose.
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