Potherbs Feast 丨野菜宴丨BambooWeaving丨4K UHD丨小喜XiaoXi丨上山挖野菜的时候,我遇到了早春的美

When I was digging potherbs in mountain, I met the beauty of early spring! Early spring in March, the potherbs in the mountain begin to sprout. Digging potherbs and eating potherbs is a unique way to embrace spring! The most interesting thing of digging potherbs is not only for the harvest, but also for the small joy you get from each searching. “The most romantic thing I can picture is digging potherbs with you in the mountain. I am holding your hand, and you are carrying a small bamboo basket ...“ =============================================== 早春三月天,山上的野菜早早冒出了尖 挖野菜,食野菜,也算是一种拥抱春天的独特方式! 挖野菜的快乐,不在于收获,
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