Ivan Alifan Jdanov painter
Photos, Internet
Music, Eldar Mansurov
Ivan Alifan Jdanov, Russian-born Canadian painter, currently living in Canada. He attended the OCAD University in Toronto, Canada, and is son of the very talented Russian painter Anna Razumovskaya. Ivan recently participated in the Los Angeles International art fair, and had his work shown alongside Malcolm Liepke and Jeremy Lipking. Whether it is beautifully rendered charcoal drawings, of the colorful, brushy, a
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Иван Алифанов “Остров 13“ (отрывок)
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“We are breaking up“ Иван Алифанов
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Не покидайте любимых...Музыка Иван Алифанов, слова, видео Натали Афанасьева, поёт МАРИЯ ЧЕРНИГИНА
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Учебный спектакль “Тайна Волшебных игрушек“ Иван Алифанов
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Работу выполнил Иван Алифанов. Руководитель Белянская С. И. Видео обработано в студии “ПРОшкольноеTV“
7 years ago 00:01:22 23
Oil Painting Using Cake Pipping Tools - By Ivan Alifan