Well, this will be another compilation of anti-communist music, with the only difference that this time the video focuses mainly on the anti-communist groups known as “Contras“ (Contraction of “Counterrevolutionaries“), which operated in Nicaragua during the 1980s with the purpose of overthrowing the communist government implanted by the Sandinista National Liberation Front.
In advance I’ll mention that the audio quality of some songs won’t be the best, but it was the only thing I could find.
0:00 “El FSLN es una amenaza comunista para Centr
...oamérica“ (The FSLN is a communist threat to Central America - Speech by Commander Enrique Bermúdez Varela)
0:24 Comandos de la Libertad (Liberty Commandos)
3:13 Himno de la Resistencia Nicaraguense (Anthem of the Nicaraguan Resistance)
5:44 ¡Unidos, Hermanos! (United, Brothers!)
9:48 Todos de Frente contra el Frente (All against the Sandinista Front)
12:57 Canto de Lucha Armada (Armed Battle Song)
16:36 Comandante 3-80Show more