This is a fan Translation of the song PRIERE by SOUND HOLIC that has been popping up ever since the PVD came out at C78 (Comiket Number 78).
--I don’t actually know Japanese, the subs for this video are based on the subtitles used in MistressRemilia’s video and were edited in order to:
a) Have the lyrics actually makes sense (Most of the time, they’re Engrish. Find me one that isn’t. Seriously...)
b) Make the lyrics singable in English (say if you’re not a total weeaboo and actually want to be able to understand the stuff you’re singing)
Therefore, authenticity is not guaranteed. If people bothered to actually Fan Sub this stuff, then we’d be good to go, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. A good number of the words used were added in, specifically the part where I insert the word “Priere.“ It means Prayer in French, fyi. Although a prayer was never directly said around that point in the song, it was implied. I thought it