Rodeo (1948)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Madison Square Garden, New York, United States of America (USA). American voiceovered newsreel material. General view of cowboys letting wild broncos out of pens in rodeo competition. Pan to cowboy being dragged along by stallion. High angle long shot of cowboy being tossed by stallion. Cowboy riding bucking bronco, horse jumps and twists. Cowboy riding bronco and is tossed off. Long shot of cowboy riding bronco from pen, bucking round arena. Same cowboy riding bronco and being tossed off. Cowboy riding bronco from pen. High angle long shot of cowboy being tossed from bronco. Cowboy riding bronco out of pen. Cowboy is tossed. Top shot, door of pen opens. Cowboy emerges riding bull. Cowboy riding bull round arena and being tossed off. Bull starts to gore cowboy. Cowboy on ground, bull prancing round him. Cowboy gets up and runs away. Clown playing around with bull. Another cowboy riding bull. Is tossed, bull chases the cowboy, clown runs arou
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