1946 cricket match in Melbourne (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit 1946 Melbourne Cricket Club match ends in a draw between British and Australian teams Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: . Match Ends in Draw at Melbourne AUSTRALIA: Melbourne: EXT BRADMAN, Don Shots of Bradman scoring runs during the Melbourne Match. Running between the wickets BRADMAN, Don Inspecting the wicket with Hammond DENIS COMPTON Batting in the Queensland match. Good shots CRICKET Scenes during the Melbourne match. Shot of Hutton and Washbrook facing colin McCool. God slow motion shot of McCool delivering a ball. Shot of Yardley clean bowled. Bradman making runs, running between wickets HAMMOND, WALTER Inspecting the wicket with brqdman. Batting to McCool Hammond scoring shots in Queensland match COLIN McCOOL Good slow motion shots of him in action. Bowling to Hutton and Wadhbrook and clean bowli
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