Sick Thoughts | Villanelle/Alicia

WATCH IN HD. »…Think about you most of the time; then I think about losing my mind...« This was totally a spur of the moment video, but once I heard the song I got SO MUCH inspiration! This is my original crossover, I’ve been editing them in some crossover collabs for 2 years now, but finally FINALLY made a video of them! When I told my friend Kristen at dinner the other night about this video, she was like “you know... some of your videos just make me incredibly wet“ HAHAHA and well with the lovely skype calls with my bitches, I really kicked into gear and finished this! ALYSSA, I KNOW THIS IS HELLA LATE, BUT BETTER LATE THAN NEVER AMIRIGHT? I know you said I didn’t need to make you a birthday video, but I was bound and determined to... so I hope this does NOT disappoint! Thank you for setting up my new private discord server, and just being a lovely friend and human being in general. Love you bitch, hope you like this! SUB ALYSSA CUZ SHE IS SUPER UNDERRATED:
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