Vegas Lights | TWEWY 14th Anniversary GMV/AMV

“We’re swimming with the sharks until we drown.“ - Rhyme probs TWEWY Final Remix & Anime spoilers. No NEO TWEWY spoilers unless you don’t know what the main characters look like. Or if you don’t know there’s a sequel. There is. You can get the sequel on the Switch or the PS4. TODAY. AS IN RIGHT NOW IT RELEASES TODAY GO MAN GO NEO TWEWY. ---- Tadaa!!! HAPPY 14TH ANNIVERSARY AND NEO TWEWY RELEASE DAYY. I think that I don’t need to edit after this. Yep. This is the last edit -- Tash has said ’bullsh*t, Dina’ just as I typed this. She is correct. But still this MIGHT be my magnum opus of editing so far. I’ve been wanting to properly do the twewy edit with the cards them for years. And I haveee finally. I’m so proud. So yes all of my twewy edits so far has been training me for this! (That and me making masks for those that I know I can reuse for this HAHA). Can’t believe there’s a sequel. Even though I’ve got an email saying my copy is arriving tomorrow. And even though I’ve told you guys to go buy it. It’s still like…a pinch myself moment. STRANGE. Anyway I’ve taken the week off so hopefully will get to play a lot of it…though I do also want to go and hang out with some friends that I haven’t seen lately so might not play as much as I’d really like. Anyway, fun fact I first edited this song after ep 1 of haikyu came out because I really liked the manga at the time. I’m not as big of a fan as I was back then of it but that was fun to edit and I always thought editing this song again would be fun…so yes long edit this time. And somehow I’m not sick of the song? Wild. I started this edit on the 16th even though I started my mep hiatus earlier…mostly cause of other mep parts I still had on the list and I took them slow to have a rest and mentally prep for this. And by that I mean I visually had the last bits with the main characters and neo characters swapping in my head. It rarely comes out exactly how I imagined but those last two 54321s…all according to keikaku. Very proud. Dedications to firstly Tash who fell asleep while she helped me check out the last bits of this lol No but really the cards at the start are her design and she helped me make an extra Rhyme one…there are so many more photoshop shortcuts she knows than me. Secondly to Melisa who introduced TWEWY to me - where would I be now…SKYPE CREW AKA BEST CREW. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAPH LOVE YOU. SHOUTOUT TO RED, MITZI AND GIGI TOO OFC. And ofc to my non-editing twewy friends - Shanna for all the twewy support for over the years. TSOS gang - you guys the real ogs, love that you guys love Deck 104 which is where the suits twewy theme first even came from for long ago. Mandi, Alto, Kazea and Aya - the neshiki day gang. The neshiki server peeps, you’re always fun to scream with about stuff. AND THANK YOU TO ALL THE REST OF YOU SUPPORTING ME. Music: Vegas lights MEPs that I watched for inspo: My first vegas lights edit that was with haikyuu lol: p.s. after a few hours im putting comments on hold for review so I don’t get notifs ahahaha have fun playing neo twewy everyone convinced Tash to download her own neo cause she knows she also wants just finished downloading GON PLAY NOW THEN I GUESS WOO.
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