Schottis/Reinlender - Scandi Folk Nerd #11

What is the difference between schottis and reinlender ? Where are the different names found ? How to understand schottis energy and rhythms ? How to learn to play them ? Trying to answer to these questions and more ! Also I’ve never played as poorly in ages as in this video, I hope you can still hear and see the points I was trying to demonstrate. The three words : - Schottis (Sweden, Danemark, swedish-speaking Finland) - Reinlender / Rejländer (Norway, parts of Sweden, NOT Danemark) - Jenkka (Finland) STRAIGHT schottis från Kalix : TRIPLET Härjedalsschottis : Music of the intro : ’Fossegrimen’ from the CD ’Hallingrr’ of the duo Knep (find it here : ) Homepage : Patreon : Recorded november 2018 in Jura region, Switzerland.
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