701 Zenview Family Apartment I No CC I The Sims 4 I Stop Motion
#thesims4 #sanmyshuno #sims4stopmotion #mossyfrey
This is a two story apartment located in San Myshuno’s Fashion District at 701 Zenview. It is three bedrooms and one and a half baths. It is the perfect cozy apartment for a small family. There is a primary bedroom with Ikea style modular open closet using the new items from Dream Home Decorator. There is also a teen or child’s room and a sweet little nursery with a changing table (decorative) built in to the modular open closet. The upstairs also contains a large size open loft with a desk and computer as well as a seating area with bookshelves.
Please make sure is ON before placing!
Since this is an apartment I had to remove a wall where each door is in order to make each floor one big room. You have to upload each floor separately.
Gallery ID: mossyfrey
Hashtag: mossyfrey
Lot Names:
701 Zenview Floor 1
701 Zenview Floor 2
Gallery Link:
Floor 1:
Floor 2: https:
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2 years ago 00:04:58 1
701 Zenview Family Apartment I No CC I The Sims 4 I Stop Motion