Аккерман Білгород Дністровський Белгород The Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi or Akkerman fortress #Аккерман #Білгород #Дністровський

Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, which recently celebrated its 2500th anniversary, is considered to be the oldest town in #Ukraine. Along with #Rome and #Athens, it is among the ten most ancient towns in the #world. Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi is located just 80 km from #Одеса #Odessa #Odesa #Одесса. #Аккерман #БілгородДністровський #Белгород_Днестровский The #Bilhorod_Dnistrovskyi #fortress or #Akkerman fortress #Архітектура_UA
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