Pigment-CSS: Material-UI Fixed on NextJS and React 19
Material-UI has come out with a new CSS in JS build-time ilbrary that supports CSS any way you want to specify it. It’s also themeable! Is this the best CSS library for NextJS and React 19? Let’s find out!
💻 Code:
Pigment CSS: #start-with-nextjs
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👉 VS Code theme and font? Night Wolf [black] and Operator Mono
👉 Terminal Theme and font? oh-my-posh with powerlevel10k_rainbow and SpaceMono NF
0:00 Introduction
1:11 Example App Setup
3:46 Creating CSS Classes
6:20 Styled Components Support
11:56 Themi ...
#JackHerrington #nextjs_material_ui #react_material_ui #jack_herrington #jack_harrington #material_ui_in_react #material_ui_in_nextjs #material_ui #material_ui_next_js_13 #material_ui_react
9 months ago 00:16:29 11
Pigment-CSS: Material-UI Fixed on NextJS and React 19