Secureteam10 Still misleading folks +UFO Catch Up Analysis + UAP Topics - OT Chan Live-472
#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #aliens #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation
Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!
[00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[06:00] (2) Re-cap yesterdays show - where was some interesting Men in Black Stories
and ghost images
[13:30] (3) First Up Breakdown Secureteam’s Latest BS fake news on UFO topics,
staring with the TOP SPY headline from the SUN UK tabloid rag and other MSM that
do fake news.
[14:19] (3b) Paul finds a new news report on the event that is worded different
to that of Tylers article. A simple research for fact-checking. All she said
was about the possiblility of ETs visiting earth and why need more
data and funding. Did not admit the Navy were being buzzed by aliens
at ALL!
[39:52] (3c) ST10 puts up a white and silver snap taken by Navy Pilots
that was debunked as a mylar helium balloon.
2 years ago 00:12:36 1
THIS “Dark Web“ Footage Still Haunts Me.. Alien Being Found in 1990s?