Visible apex beat including different type of apex beat
This is a medical educational video showing visible apex beat including different type of apex beat & their mechanism.
#apex_beat,#Visible_apex_beat, #mechanism_of_apex_beat
0:00 Intro
0:05 Disclaimer
0:11 Welcome and Apex beat in patient
0:34 Definition of Apex beat
0:54 Site
1:16 Nature and Character
1:25 Normal Apex beat
1:31 Heaving Apex beat
1:46 Mechanism of Heaving Apex beat
2:11 Thrusting Apex beat
2:27 Mechanism of Thrusting Apex beat
2:40 Tapping Apex beat
2:54 Mechanism of Tapping Apex beat
3:36 Double or Triple Impulse
4:23 Displaced Apex beat
4:52 Thanks for Watching