Learn Sim Shalom as you sing with Hazzan Brian Shamash and enjoy following along with the text.
Sim shalom ba-olam, tovah uv’racha, chen va-hesed v’rachamim aleinu v’al kol yisrael a-mecha. Bar’cheinu avinu kulanu k’echad b’or pa-necha, ki v’or pa-necha na-tata lanu, adonai eloheinu, torat chayim v’aha-vat chesed, utz’dakah uv’racha v’rachamim v’chayim v’shalom. V’tov b’enecha l’varech et am’cha yisrael b’chol et uv’chol sha-ah bishlo-mecha. Baruch ata adonai ha-m’varech et amo yisrael ba-shalom
Give peace, kindness and blessing
Upon us and all of the house of Israel
Life of favour and charity and mercy
Give peace, kindness and blessing upon us
And all of of Israel
Israel your nation
Bless us our Father
We are all as one
In the light of your presence
In the light of your presence
You gave us
Lord Our G-d
The Law of life
The law of live and your love
and charity and blessing and mercy
and life and peace
And it (shall) be good in your eyes to bless us
And to bless of all of your nation Israel
And each time and every hour
And each time and every hour with your peace
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