“That power is going to come on the white horse, as they said, just to sort out the last of it.”
Excerpt from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
Original talk:
This part is also the Void, the green part which is the principle of mastery or guru tatwa you can call it. If you’ve been to a wrong guru or if you have bent yourself before wrong people, you’ll catch. But if you think you are a great guru yourself, you will catch. These are expressed here and also you can feel them on your head. If you are bending before people who are wrong, fake and all that then you’ll catch on these five centers here. And if you are thinking you are a great guru yourself, you will catch here. In the center here is the power of the primordial being and the eleven of them you call as Ekadesha Rudra. These are the eleven powers of destruction which will come at the end, when the whole judgement is over and after the judgement is over. Then that power is going to come on the white horse, as they said, just to sort out the last of it.
6 months ago 00:14:52 1
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6 months ago 00:03:19 6
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