The newest Hero addition to Overwatch is remarkably the most difficult in the cast. Tanks are typically hard enough to manage as is, but now with Sigma that same difficult role remains but turned up a notch in difficulty thanks to his whole hit being entirely skill shots. Sigma will be a massive undertaking for the average player to jump into, even the basics of tank play are complicated until you master managing and aiming his shield and oh-yeah he does like half a dozen other things that are all skillshot
10 months ago 01:11:35 1
TIERLIST: I ranked all 74 Overwatch Hero Achievements from Easiest to Hardest
12 months ago 00:14:10 5
Second Hardest Flash Climb I’ve Ever Done | Adam Ondra
2 years ago 03:03:51 1
Why Is Everyone A Druid Now? w/ Swen Vincke from Larian Studios! | Dropped Frames Episode 358