ARTS: George Bernard Shaw marks birthday by planting tree he has given to town. (1936)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit George Bernard Shaw marks his 80th birthday by planting a tree he has given to the town of Malvern. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: “GBS“ 80 NOT OUT ENGLAND: Malvern: EXT Semi view pan. of writer, George Bernard Shaw arriving and walking onto Green. Gen. view man hands spade to Bernard Shaw, who starts making speech, Ben Hart persuades Bernard Shaw to look at the camera instead of his audience. Semi cu. Bernard Shaw speaking. CU Bernard Shaw. Gen. view Bernhard Shaw spits on hands and plants tree. Semi view of Bernard Shaw shovels earth pan. to tree. Semi view of Bernard Shaw walking away shovel on shoulder. KEYWORDS: Personalities / Writers / Celebrations / Anniversaries (Personal) / George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) / Ceremonies / Miscellaneous / Great Britain Background: George Bernard Shaw marks hi
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