Frejus Aftermath (1959)

Title reads: “Frejus Aftermath“. Frejus, France. Natural disasters: the collapse of Malpasset Dam causing massive flooding. M/S of soldiers clearing up wreckage. M/S of bulldozer pushing wreckage away, pan to house with gaping hole in one wall. L/S of flooded area. Panning shot of wrecked lorries and cars amongst wreckage. Elevated shot of large crowds in the Frejus main square for mass burial. C/U of relatives of one of the victims crying. Panning shot two coffins on the ground. C/U relatives crying. C/U coffin lids with names chalked on them (one belongs to a 14 month baby, the other to a 6 year old kid). Relatives of the deceased crying. Panning shot of coffins being carried to mass grave. C/U of mourners embracing. M/S of coffin with wreath on laying in mass grave. Elevated shots of the Malpasset Dam, reduced to mass of rubble. Elevated pan following a helicopter flying across the dam. L/S of town. Rescue workers are seen shovelling mud and slime out of
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