Видеообзор собранной мною модели истребителя МИГ-37. масштаб модели 1:72, фирма производитель Italeri. История появления на свет этой модели хорошо описана в статье “Тайная история“
Video review of the MIG-37 fighter model I collected. the scale of the model is 1:72, the manufacturer Italeri. The history of the birth of this model is well described in the article “Secret History“
The Secret History
In the eighties, one of the main topics in the field of military aviation was the reduction of visibility for enemy detection equipment. The appearance of the first stealth aircraft was expected, which, as expected, could radically change the appearance of the air Forces of the leading countries. Rumors were circulating in the United States about their own projects in the field of stealth technologies, and the pos