giant magnapinna squids raking the surface of planets searching for food, a giant megalodon cracking the crust of moons and consuming their core, anglerfishes using a radiosignal as bait for unknowing spacefarers, serpents coiling in the darkspots between solarsystems, sirens begging you to come out of your craft, and a gigantic malström in the middle of the milkyway slowly pulling everything towards its center.
This album is dedicated to the Metal Mausoleum and all its wonderful inhabitants
Special thanks to PK (Sewerscum/CCCHHHOOOMMMPPP)
00:00 - an empty song
04:42 - Feed
08:36 - restless center
20:30 - Leviathan
24:35 - sounds outside the hull
31:21 - Apex Devourer
36:56 - writhing emptiness
1 view
6 months ago 00:01:00 1
La lavande aspic #plantessauvagescomestibles #nature
8 months ago 00:21:44 1
Lavande (Lavandula angustifolia) : calmante et tonifiante
8 months ago 00:12:51 1
Полезные свойства лаванды
10 months ago 00:04:04 1
10 plantes anti moustiques
10 months ago 00:09:50 1
Помогает от болезни Альцгеймера, от вируса герпеса, от тревожности и бессонницы! Мелисса.