Rethinking Climate Change. The path to a 90% emissions reduction by 2035.

The climate emergency requires climate solutions. And fast! There are lots of different proposals floating around - some of which don’t even exist yet, and probably never will. So, it’s easy to get confused about which direction is best. Now though, a new analysis suggests that 90% of the job could be achieved by just a handful of disruptive technologies that are very real indeed, and are already either disrupting their markets or are poised to do so. We just need to choose to embrace them! RETHINKX - Rethinking Climate Change Report Video Transcripts available at our website Help suppo...rt this channels independence at Or with a donation via Paypal by clicking here You can also help keep my brain ticking over during the long hours of research and editing via the nice folks at Download the Just Have a Think App from the AppStore or Google Play EXTRA DEEP DIVE DISCUSSION WITH IPCC SCIENTISTS In an extraordinarily candid interview with Dr. Alison Green, Sir Robert Watson and Dr. James Dyke reflect on the IPCC AR6 report on the physical science of climate change, published on August 9th. They both stress the need for urgent action at the CoP in Glasgow in November 2021, and for honesty about what governments will actually do between 2021 and 2030. Interested in mastering and remembering the concepts that I present in my videos? Check out the FREE Dive Deeper mini-courses offered by the Center for Behavior and Climate. These mini-courses teach the main concepts in select JHAT videos and go beyond to help you learn additional scientific or conservation concepts. The courses are great for teachers to use or for individual learning. Check out other YouTube Climate Communicators zentouro: Climate Adam: Kurtis Baute: Levi Hildebrand: Simon Clark: Sarah Karvner: ClimateTown: Jack Harries: Beckisphere: Our Changing Climate : #climateemergency #climatesolutions #actnow
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