I’m saving welcome to telescope footage extreme astronomy I’m saving to be able to bring my telescope to a dark area to avoid atmospheric distractions. I want to give you clear beautiful high quality video, and evidence from a remote location without freezing in the process, and without any interference. and BUILD a bigger telescope i just need to mount . support would go to helping bring more film thank you PayPal is here...
. big heavey duty mount is able to payload capacity 50 kg
mount that controls were you point the telescope and track its better described hear Gerry Gilmore FIns
...tP ScD
Professor of Experimental Philosophy
Institute of Astronomy
Gerry Gilmore (gil@)
Thu 1/18/07 3:37 AM
john lenard (santamonicajohn@)
Hello again, and again my congratulations on your superb astrophotography You are clearly getting some images at almost the diffraction limit of your telescope. In the very sharpest images there are hints of diffraction rings visible on the edges of the satellites. That is of course the absolute limit of optical performance, and is only rarely attained. Interestingly, the process you have, of using a high-quality imaging system, with fast read-out, and then selecting the rare `perfect’ images is something which has been developed and applied somewhat by one of my colleagues here. You might like to look at our local web page presenting some of this: link to
You might also be interested in a journal produced by the MIT Lincoln Laboratory - which is the group which has built some of the things you are seeing. Much of what they do is what used to be the Star wars project, which no doubt involves some of your objects. They don’t talk about the military satellites, of course, but there are many dicussions of earth surveillance, and related issues. It is distributed only to academic organisations, so you may need to get your local library to borrow it, but you may be able to get this (for free) from
Subscription Coordinator Room L-054
Lincoln Laboratory MIT 244 Wood Street Lexington
MA USA best regards Gerry
From:Henry Kline (@)
Sent:Mon 8:32 AM
To: john lenard (santamonicajohn@); @ Mr. Lenard,
military, classified.
Johnson Space Center is indeed, because they deal with human spaceflight. We only work with robots, which don’t require large and/or elaborate spacecraft to get them where they need to go.Show more