Poenari Fortress (1448-1476) - Romania #dacii#istorie#getii#arges#poenari#valahia
Digital Reconstruction of the Poenari Fortress (Arges-Romania) from the time of Vlad the Impaler (1448-1476).
Reconstructia digitala a cetatii Poenari (Arges-Romania) in perioada de domnie a lui Vlad Tepes (1448-1476).
Cetatea Penari a fost construita de catre Vlad Tepes in secolul XV-lea si este localizata la Cheile Argesului aproape de satul Capataneni .
Este ridicata pe o culme inalta de 850 metri. Cetatea a fost a doua resedinta a lui Vlad Tepes.
Zidurile cetatii groase de 3 metri au fost construite din piatra cu mortar in partea de jos iar in partea de sus caramida la exterior si piatra cu mortar la interior. Se pot observa 5 turnuri: 4 circulare si unul patrat.
Poenari Fortress is the real fortress of Vlad the Impaler.
The Penari Fortress was built by Vlad the Impaler in the 15th century and is located at the Arges Gorges near the village of Capataneni, Arges county.
It is built on an 850-meter high hill. The fortress was the second residence of Vlad the Impaler.
The walls of the 3-meter-thick fortress were built of stone with mortar on the bottom and brick on the outside and stone with mortar on the inside. You can see 5 towers: 4 circular and one square.
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This video is copyright 2022 by Mihai Manea. All rights reserved.
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