Paper Man (Translated by S. Kyune)
Once there lived a paper man
Married on a paper wife
Wearing pencil drawn pants
Living black/white colored life
Sitting by the paper table
Greeting, working, say good-buy
Just pretending that he’s able
Smile with a pencil smile
Accidentally dream was broken
Someone with a red pomade
Draw a heart and then unspoken
Left it where it was made
Just a heart, one minute later
Paper man turned red as grape
Deeply felt in love with painter
And decided to escape
He was fighting through the squares
Searching for the exit bar
Looking forward, skipping layers
Trying reach his shining star
But the star-beloved was laughing
Shaking pencil by his nose
Judging something as a nothing
Draw him just a longer horns
Paper handles any painting
But the fire is too much
Burning love is not for waiting
And the paper just was scratched
Paper man was burned in fire
With his painted pants and plants
With his life that he desired
To extend on other path
Ash was flying in the air
That’s what’s left from man above
Happy landed on a hair
Of the painter that he loved
Once there lived a paper man
Married on a paper wife
Wearing pencil drawn pants
Living black/white colored life
Автор музыки и слов И. Аутов / Lyrics & music -
Песня из альбома «Апоптоз» (2010) / Song was presented in album «Apoptosis» (2010)
Продюсер Виктор Вязниковцев / Producer Victor Vyaznikovtsev
Видеоклип: режиссер Тимур Соловьев / Video produced by Timur Solovyev.
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7 months ago 00:52:02 1
Мотор-Роллер - «Над Землёй» (Сборник песен 2024, аудио)