NVC Marshall Rosenberg - San Francisco Workshop - FULL ENGLISH SUBTITLES TRANSCRIPTION
Fully transcribed - subbed.
K dispozícii sú aj (amatérsky preložené) slovenské titulky :)
Just spreading the word on NVC - I transcribed the whole session for personal purposes and wanted to make the transcript publicly available - no copyright infringement intended. If you are one of the official NVC youtube channels, send me a word and I will gladly provide you with the transcript, so you could add it to the video on your channel (in which case I have no qualm deleting this one; just wanted to make sure the transcript is available for people who might need it).
Please visit for more info on nonviolent communication.
1 view
3 months ago 00:04:04 1
Маршалл Розенберг - о Любви
8 months ago 00:09:57 1
Э, что такое ненасильственное общение (ННО) и как его применять?
11 months ago 03:05:58 1
NVC Marshall Rosenberg - San Francisco Workshop - FULL ENGLISH SUBTITLES TRANSCRIPTION
2 years ago 01:58:53 3
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3 years ago 03:05:58 2
NVC Marshall Rosenberg San Francisco Workshop Nederlandstalige ondertiteling
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Marshall Rosenberg - La relation de couple (English-Français) - Communication Nonviolente CNV - NVC
5 years ago 00:03:28 10
Домашняя работа. Мама помогает по-другому... активно слушая
8 years ago 00:06:13 1
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9 years ago 00:09:36 2
Nonviolent Communication Part 1 Marshall Rosenberg
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