MultiSub【月滿雲知🌙The Cloud Embracing the Moon】▶ EP 01 | 刀尖起舞,清醒沉淪☁心機郡主以身入局聯姻權臣之子,卻被看似傻白甜的他以命相護

▶️全集播放: 🕛更新时间:8月10日12:00(GMT 8)起每日更新 🕛Schedule: Everyday at 12:00 (GMT 8) since 10th August 【剧情介绍】 十几年前,一幅藏宝图导致前朝重臣李家灭门,十几年后,遗孤李云知(孙艺燃 饰)背负仇恨归来。破坏叶万联姻,与当朝郡主叶聆月(黄云云 饰)精心设局将自己伴于病娇皇子宋尘(郭迦南 饰)身边伺机复仇,经受几番试探后,逐渐发觉对方似儿时故人…… 禁欲者藏情,懵懂者动心,禁忌虐恋,柳暗花明。叶聆月与李云知,亦敌亦友,羁绊渐深,一路并肩同行披荆斩棘,但随着万、叶两家的覆灭,藏宝图及身份互换的秘密也随之被揭开…… 【Synopsis】 The princess of the current dynasty Ye Ling Yue did not hesitate to use her own marriage for her schemes. She went deep into the tiger’s den to marry her opponent’s son, Wan Xing Zhu, and then fell in love with him. On her wedding day, she met Li Yun Zhi, an orphan of the Li family, a family of ministers from the previous dynasty. Li Yun Zhi sneaked into the court and stayed with the prince Song Chen , waiting for an opportunity to take revenge. The two were also enemies and water friends, and their bond gradually deepened, and they walked side by side through all the hardships. However, with the destruction of the Wan and Ye families, the secret of the exchange of identities between the two was also revealed. ▶欢迎订阅【森宇古装剧场】: #月满云知 #TheCloudEmbracingtheMoon #森宇古装剧场 #大陆电视剧 #古装剧 #ChineseDrama #costumedrama #郭迦南 #爱情 #悬疑 #甜宠 #虐恋
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