DDSPB24 🏀 First Look and New Features of Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2024 | Windows PC DDSPB 24

“Chris the co-ordinator of GM Games, takes you through the newest presentation in Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2024 (DDSPB 24)“ Learn more about the game and get screenshots of DDSPB24 ➡️ DOWNLOAD for Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2024 (Windows PC) ➡️ Where to get the MODS (Real Players, Real Logos)? ------ With the additions of the “Slybelle Real World Mod (Team Logos, Names)” and the “GM Games – Pro Photo Pack (Player, Draft, Coach Photos)” you’ll be playing a franchise mode full of graphics, realism and life ➡️ New features in DDSPB 2024 include: Go for two championships in a se...ason with the all new in-season tournament option for 30 and 32 team leagues. Watch the exciting group drawing to see which teams you will have to overcome that season to make it to the tournament. A host of new UX additions to make playing even better. Enjoy the new team selector option, on screen ticker with the latest news, brand new dashboard screen and a bunch of other screen improvements to make the game look even better and provide more info. The unique personality system gets improvements this year with the ability to learn about personalities for potential draftees through pre-draft workouts as well as being able to look up the personality types in game and learn more about them. Get a new look on players with the option to swap out the star rating system for an overall rating. This along with other new changes like fictional leagues starting with no history, updated extension rules and “star player“ issues give a new dynamic to the game. Gameplay improvements to the engine as well as the game screen make for even more realistic results and an even better experience when watching or coaching your games. Don’t forget you can link your league with Draft Day Sports: College Basketball for a totally immersive game experience. You can automatically import draft classes as well as keep tabs on the standings, stats, and rosters from your college game world all right inside of DDS:PB24. Use the expanded scouting tracker to keep tabs on players who will be in future draft classes as well as the upcoming one. Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2024 #GMGames #DDSPB24 #nbamanager General Manager (GM) Games WEBSITE ➡️ TWITCH ➡️ REDDIT ➡️ DISCORD ➡️ TWITTER ➡️
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