I promise this story about microwaves is interesting.

I found an article that said “The microwave was invented to heat hamsters humanely in 1950s experiments.“ And I thought, no it wasn’t. ...was it? Pull down the description for thorough references and credits. Thanks to James Lovelock for his time! His latest book is Novacene: [that is, of course, an Amazon affiliate link] Filmed safely: - thanks to jabs, PCR tests, isolation and distancing. I did consider whether to do an extended interview with Dr Lovelock, but the Science Museum has already done far better than I ever could: On cyborgs, asteroids and Gaia theory: On his greatest epiphany: An extended 90-minute interview from the Lovelock Centenary Conference: REFERENCES: HISTORY OF THE MICROWAVE: I Burrell, in the Independent, 1997: “Your money, or the cat gets microwaved“:
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